Speaker Mini Talk Guidelines

We are hosting mini talks on October 21st and October 24th on Main Campus and the Medical School Campus. Check out our Yale Connect page to see a Google Sheet where you can sign up for an audition. 

For mini talks, we ask you to prepare a 5-minute presentation on a science topic of your choice, and showcase your passion for science education!

Click here or use the QR code below to sign up for an audition slot on our Campus Groups page.

For the mini talk:

  1. Give a 5 minute presentation with slides about any interesting scientific topic or concept.

  2. Prepare your talk so that it could be understood by a high school student. 

  3. Make your slides simple, clear, and interesting, and show us your scientific enthusiasm!

We look forward to seeing your mini talk! 

Join our Campus Groups page using the QR code below or follow us on Instagram (@yscscicomm) to stay posted with updates!